Saturday, March 24, 2007

We Done Been Warned

We took Danika for her two week check-up yesterday. The kid has already gained 1 lb 4 ounces! I felt a certain sense of satisfaction knowing that the countless hours she has spent attached to me have added up to something significant. Our pediatrician is great and he's been practicing for like 20-30 years or something. At the end of our visit he said "she has a strong personality, you're going to be pulling your hair out". He said he's always been able to tell a lot about a kid's personality from seeing them as a baby and I suppose he should know. The funny thing is that just two days before, my mom told me out of nowhere that Danika's going to be "strong willed" (she has that "womanly" sense of things so I generally take her seriously). I think this is good. It may be tough, but I can appreciate having a daughter who can take names and kick some ass.

1 comment:

Mama Z said...

What do you expect??? Look at her Mommy! She has a great role model in both her parents/grandparents/etc. :) Glad to hear the breastfeeding is getting better.