So as you heard, Danika arrived last Sunday. I've had trouble finding time to post since then as sleeping, eating and bathing have taken precedent during my 15 minute breaks from feeding her. Seriously, the kid eats like a horse. I'm attempting breastfeeding again and it pretty much sucks, again (no pun intended). I really love being able to do it and the closeness I feel to her when we're all snuggled up together but so far it still smarts. I plan to stick with it though.
Labor was not so bad this time around - though considerably longer than with Miles. My epidural didn't quite take all the way leaving me with a mysterious thing the doctors called a "window" essentially meaning an area that did not respond to the drug leaving me able to feel more than I should have. They kept giving me extra shots of the drug to see if they could fix it which left me with legs so numb they could have pulled out my toe nails without me knowing. This worried me considerably having heard lots of epidural failure horror stories however once I got to the pushing part I felt no pain just like last time so it all worked out great.
Motherhood is wonderful the second time around and Danika is just precious. As I type this she is in her swing behind me and sleeping for what seems like the first time today! I find myself easily doing things it took me weeks to be comfortable about when we had Miles which is nice. Robert has two months off again which is really essential as Danika needs to be fed on the hour and I can't lift Miles for two more weeks. I have no idea what I would do if he had to go back to work right away, I would have lost my mind. Miles is doing really well with the transition so far but he really needs to be kept active and out of the house or he gets kind of moody. On a positive note he's gotten more comfortable being cared for by other people and he's fallen head over heels with his uncle Ryan who lives next door. Ryan was in charge of him when I was in labor and honestly I think Miles would have preferred we stay away a little longer so they could have more uninterrupted time to play. He really loves him.
Ok, see, she's rooting again. I swear it's only been 45 minutes.
1 comment:
yay! we can't wait to officially meet her. we didn't want to stay that Sunday since i was at the tailend of yet another cold.
we're SO happy things are going well (and yes, the breastfeeding thing sucks for a while but it does get better -- or we just get used to the pain).
We probably won't be in town again until around your birthday. Hugs to the family from us.
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