Monday, September 10, 2007

Sleep Training. Yuck.

Sleep training starts tonight for Danika. We, or I should say mostly "I" have been getting up with her anywhere from 1 to 5 times a night and the time has come to see if she can fall asleep on her own so that she may be able to get back to sleep on her own when she wakes up. I hate the whole thing. I really do, but we did it with Miles and it worked and he's been a great sleeper ever since. I just have to remind myself that she won't remember any of it and she'll still love us tomorrow.

So far it's gone well. I put her in her crib awake, she cried and then went back to sleep when Robert went in to console her after 5 minutes. Hopefully it will continue. If not I have plenty of booze and an ample supply of ear plugs.

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