Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Rockin the Talkin

Miles has made tremendous progress vocally in the last few weeks. All of the sudden we are having conversations with him. TWO sided ones. He's saying 3 or 4 words together and is really able to express what he wants. This is good and bad because it means I am forever responding to requests for this or that. I do draw the line, but some days I'm still figuring out where I want it. He's become very particular as well, wanting drinks in certain cups and for you to push him on the swing only by touching his feet. It trips me out to ask him questions and have him say "Yeah". "You're pretty hyper, did grandpa give you soda at his house?" "Yeah." "Did daddy have strippers here while mommy was at the store?" "Yeah".

I have been told that kids are great until they start talking, but so far I really enjoy talking with this kid. Sure he asks for more stuff and it's sometimes more work, but he can also say "I love you mommy" and folks there's nothing better.

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