Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Place Your Bets!

When do you think little Danika will arrive?
Here are the stats: Due date is 3/15 and as of Friday I was 2cm dilated, 80% effaced and the baby's head was at station 0. Contractions are still scattered. So far Jenny has stated that the 3rd is going to be the day and Robert is betting on the 6th. The lucky winner will receive a handsome prize so choose carefully...

Currently Miles and I are both pretty sick so hopefully she will wait at least until we are better before the big day. On a happier note, the nursery is all ready with the exception of the glider/rocker which is on order and some aesthetic details to be added shortly. I'll post pictures soon.

1 comment:

mamarazzi said...

i vote the 9th. junji, maia and remi were born on the 9th (december, september, february)