Saturday, June 9, 2007


Things are kind of hairy here. Danika is still crying for 4-5 hours a day. People think she has gas/tummy troubles. Miles has recently started acting out a little and getting physically aggressive. This could be just a terrible two thing or maybe he needs more one on one attention, either way it makes the long days even longer.
This is by far the most difficult thing I have ever done, having these two kids so close together. Hopefully I will come out of it a better and more patient person. Sure, there are nice moments throughout the day when one or both of them is being especially cute or essentially any moment when they are both not crying, but a lot of it is just freakin chaos. And you should see my house right now. I can hardly bring myself to look around, it makes me tense up so much. I'm a clean person. I like things to be neat and clean, it's one of the reasons I like to stay at hotels so much. Every day I do laundry and dishes and clean up the whole house and every night it looks like 6 college age dudes live there.

1 comment:

BrieBrie said...

Hang in there. I hope she gets to feeling better soon. I saw this tummy wrap thing online taht you can get and it is supose to help babies with gas. I iwll work on finding the website for you.