Danika is 2 months old today. The last couple of days have been hell. For some reason she has not been napping during the day and she cries constantly. They say (I read it in The Female Brain - great book ladies), baby girls pick up their mother's moods more than boys so perhaps that is what's going on here. My mom says that when I was very young I picked up on her moods instantly, even when she tried her hardest to conceal them if she had been having a tough day. I have been extra stressed as my mom shattered her ankle in a fall and has been in the hospital for the last week - she doesn't deserve any of the difficult recovery she faces. This is a picture after surgery. It's hard because I want to be with her all the time but I have these other responsibilities so I'm not nearly as available as I'd like to be. I'm so glad our whole family is living here right now so we can be near her and hopefully make her recovery a little better.
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